Agricultural and food value chains in Africa often lack scale, efficiency and suffer from operational bottlenecks. Amatheon Agri aims to overcome these bottlenecks by connecting different stages of the value chain. The integration includes primary production of livestock feed, cattle rearing and subsequent supply to Amatheon Agri’s food processing businesses.
Since 2000, consumer spending in Sub-Saharan Africa has grown by 4% annually, and the total consumer spending is expected to reach nearly USD 1 trillion by 2020. In addition, population growth in the region is likely to remain among the highest in the world: with over 2 billion people by 2050 accounting for 20% of the global total. A 50% reduction in poverty 2020 is also expected, which means that 130 million additional households with an annual spending of USD 1.4 trillion will be entering the market, from around USD 860 billion in 2008.
In 2013, Amatheon Food was established to develop the third pillar of Amatheon Agri’s business strategy. Through its Mergers and Acquisitions department, Amatheon Agri intensified research and due diligence on businesses in the food processing sector, resulting in the acquisition of five meat processing companies in Zambia.
The Real Meat Group (“the RMA Group”) is a meat processing group of companies based in Zambia that is a part of the Amatheon Agri Group. The RMA Group consists of The Real Meat Company Ltd., Best Beef Ltd., Best Pork Ltd., Buccamore Foods Ltd., and More Beef Ltd. Boasting four abattoirs and multiple processing facilities, the RMA Group strives to meet customers´ and consumers´ needs through their stable of brands and unique product offering.
The RMA Group is the second largest meat supplier and processor in Zambia, with a footprint in multiple markets across the country. With each individual entity providing a unique attribute, the group enjoys a very strong brand recognition associated with superior quality at an affordable price.
The RMA group provides various animal products (Beef, Pork, Chicken, Lamb, Goat and Venison). These products are readily available to consumers through major retailers, independent supermarkets, agents (or distributors) and own outlets (butcheries or depots). The products are provided as fresh or processed, and the most successful product is Hungarian sausage affectionately referred to as “Real Meat”.
Growing Value.