
UN Global Compact Annual Conference held in Berlin

As an active member of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact Network over the last 6 years and with a commitment to working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Amatheon Agri gladly accepted an invitation to attend the Annual Conference of the UN Global Compact Network Germany in Berlin yesterday.

Of particular interest was the keynote speech of Mr Georg Krell, Founding Director of the UN Global Compact, who set the scene for a subsequent panel discussion of the major topic: From Transformation through Trade to Trade in Transformation?” Responsible business in times of geopolitical polarization.

The multi-sectoral, high-level panel included representatives from politics, community leadership and businesses. International companies with complex value chains such as Amatheon were encoura ged to continue their endeavours to anchor ecological, economic and social standards within their operations in the face of challenging events worldwide.

The panel discussion was followed by various workshops in the afternoon, all with a focus to encourage discourse on the future orientation of politics, community involvement and businesses in a rapidly transforming world order.

Amatheon reaffirms its commitment to continuous improvement in its business by following a long-term sustainable approach and will soon be issuing its 2022 Communication on Progress (COP) report.